Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside

Yup, it's cold.

After 72 hours in the sub zero we might make it above 10 today. I shouldn't complain, but I will.
I am cold. I am tired. Even though in 5 days the days will get longer, I can't wait. I want spring NOW!
This picture is from our front doors last January when we had a week of sub zero temps. The store heaters couldn't keep the ice off the front doors.
I think I will send a card to my dad asking him "What were you thinking staying in Minneapolis?"
Even worse that this cold is listening to people massacre holiday songs. People who have no business singing in the first place and those "artists" who should stay in the genre. Take for instance the last slaughter of a song I heard this a.m. Dolly Pardon and Rod Stewart singing "Baby, it's cold outside"
It made me want to rip my ears off my head.
It's bad enough Road Stewart went off and recorded oldies, now he wants to be sexy and old. Dolly will never age, plastic surgery takes care of this. At some point the corners of her mouth will reach her ears and her waist will eventually disappear, but that's Dolly. She cute and bubbly. Rod, well I recently saw him in spandex. It reminded me of putting tights on a chicken.

There's a visual for you.
Some things are better left original.

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