Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This is the house that Jeff built

This is the house that Jeff built.

He built a scale model of Greg and Stacey's home on Mille Lacs and made it a bird feeder. Took abotu 30 hours and everyone (but me, I was at the store every night) helped cut, glue, nail and paint.

Christmas this year was a home made Christmas. After speaking with some other families, this theme was not only at our home but friends of our family and kids said the same thing. It was not about what they didn't get, it was the thought behind where it came from. One boy last night got 3 things for Christmas. The "coolest" thing in his mind was a bar of chocolate that came from Arabia. A friend of his mother spend alot of time traveling all over Europe and loves to ski. She sent it to him.
This teenage boy did not sound resentful, but rather raved about how good it was.
I felt more blessed, for my kids of course, but the friends and acquaintances that we have surrounded ourselves with. They have the same circumstances, values and children who understand that it's not the dollar amount spent, or who has the latest gadget, but where it comes from.
The heart counts for so much.
The conversation went like this:
Paul: So Dan, what did you get for Christmas?
Dan: [I anticipated a meek answer or no answer] I got a whole can of Grandma's scotcharoos, Homemade Toffee from Grandma Stockdill's recipe, a snowmobile party, a fancy dinner at the Ridgeview and a new pillow.
Paul: Got any of the scotachoo's left?
Dan: Nope I ate them all.
Paul: That's cool. I got a Chocolate Bar from Arabia. I was soooo good.
The End.

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