Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Catherine was cleaning out my closet and came up with a ton of pictures. I can't believe how cute my kids are!

Steven had such a large head it's hard not to get sucked into his smile and bright green eyes!

We watched old video's on Sunday night because we had nothing else to do and we came up with the simple fact is that Steven came into this world beyond loved by his brother and sister. (or as in the old movies said it "brudder and sissser)

Take Father's Day. Every year (before Cold Stone) we used to go to our local airport and spend the day looking at airplanes and eating hotdogs. This picture is right after Steven's first birthday. How can you not look at this and you not go "awww" . Steve has this ability to make you laugh with the most unexpected things. He would just hop on Papa's lap and "honk" or press on his nose.

He's wait awhile and then in the middle of sentence just come up and push it again.

It was a consensus last night. Steve just makes us smile.

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