Friday, March 6, 2009

The forgotten generation

I don't care what they say, they may be war vertrans from WWII, they are still the most undercared for people in the nation. There are not enough resources avaiable and they do not have the technology training, they don't have computers, or they don't have relatives that give a crap. I see the hallways and entry ways filled with people on scooters, walkers or sitting and knitting. Every time the door opens they are there with a smile ready to greet you. All races, all creeds and all colors.

There was an incident a month back that required me to advocate for my father. The building manager took my father's bed and bedding. they gave him no written notice, no understanding why. He slept in his chair for 4 nights before I found out. Had I not taken him shopping that week, I woudl have never known. Bottom line, the manager did not follow city codes/rules when dealing with the situation and was disciplined. My dad gets a new bed this weekend. He is profoundly deaf.
The kids and I stopped by on Thursday to drop by some odds and ends he needed. He was positively giddy seeing the kids, and as small as his apartment is, they were messing with everything, helping him sweep, dust, mop and get stuff off the higher shelves.
I think he will die in that apartment. He's not a social creature. He values his privacy. So, as his advocate and his loving daughter I will respect that wish, and his grandkids will take one afternoon a week and go over and help him with the little things.

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